Jab Step Fake

Courtesy of www.expertvillage.com

How to Perform a Jab step Fake


Make the Step Believable- When you step to make the defender move in that direction, make sure its a genuine step as if you were going that way, because the defender will move towards where your body is going naturally and not keep their eye on the ball.


Bend your Knee on the step- When you step, make sure that you make it extra believable by bending your knee as if you were about to bring your other leg forward. Then use the spring that you would otherwise use to move forward to spring backwards and fire off in the other direction.


Keep the Ball within 6inches of your body- When you move the ball, don't allow the defender easy access to it. You are after all exposing the front side of your body to the defender and it opens a chance for them to steal the ball. Don't allow this to happen by keeping the ball close to you at all times.


Dribble away with the outer hand- When you move away after performing the jab step fake. Use the hand furthest away from the defender when you dribble off the pivot. See the video for a demonstration.

Drills to use when practising


Practise with Friends- The only way to practise this move is to do so with friends. You can do this one on one to start with and just attempt to get past them by using this move. Don't be predictable though as the defender will catch on. Use your imagination and assess the situation as to witch way you should jab.


Use this move with 3 or 4 defenders- As illustrated here, practise the jab step by going through 3 or 4 or even more defenders using any combination you like. The small arrows represent the jab direction and the large the final direction. Like I said before, use your imagination and initiative to figure out which direction to go. If there is another defender waiting for you behind the current defender then go the opposite direction.


Learn to keep it sharp- The fake should be sharp and sudden and whatever you do don't make it even slightly obviously which way you are going to fake as this will be all to easy for the defender to steal the ball.


Never have the ball in front of you- Practise just jabbing against an inanimate object just to get the hang of the move and practise having the ball close to you.

<< Drills and Techniques Section.

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