Basketball Shooting

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Basketball Shooting: How to Shoot a Basketball


Position your feet and shoulders
- Obviously after receiving the ball, you need to make sure you are in position to shoot either before you shoot or after, but just make it as quick as possible. Then make sure that your feet are shoulder width apart and pointing towards the basket in order to get the correct balance. Obviously you might sometimes not have time to do this in some situations but doing it will increase your cases of getting the ball in.


Hand position
-Allow the ball to rest ON TOP of your finger tips and not on your palm (left hand if your right handed and right if your left handed). Then use your other hand to balance the ball on the side so that your thumbs make a T Shape.


Elbow Position
- Make sure that your elbow is straight vertically and that your hand with the ball resting on top is creating a 90 degree angle.


Focus your eyesight
- If you watch the basket in general or the basket backboard, you will decrease your chances of getting the ball in. When you watch the NBA you will notice that 3 pointer shots usually go clean through the net without touching the rim. The reason for this is because of the focus point the players have. The rim is a full 360 degree circle and it is best to focus on the front point nearest to you, so that when you combine it with the ARC (explained below), the ball will drop in just nicely.


The Snap
-"The snap" is known also as "the flick" or sometimes uncommonly called "the camp". This is the snap that the hand creates to give the ball backspin. When the ball is resting on your fingertips, the snap forward motion from your wrist makes the ball move forward but roll backwards; also known as backspin. Backspin is vital in creating stability when the ball is air-born.


The follow through and Arc
-Basketball Shooting is mainly, all about the Follow through.
-The Follow through is making sure that your arm is extended out after the snap. Pushing your entire arm combined with the snap is the main part of the shooting process but it is necessary to have a follow through as well. This involves leaving your arm in a position up in the air with your wrist bent forwards after the snap and lined up with the basket. The angle that your follow through is at will change the angle of your arc. The arc is literally what it sounds like, an Arc Shape. The best arcs are high arcs because the ball has a more likely chance of hitting the rim and bouncing up if you miss giving your offensive team mates the chance for a rebound.

Drills to use when Practising Basketball Shooting


Shoot with a Friend
-To Improve your basketball shooting variation
-Have your friend pass you the ball and you try your shooting technique and then run to another spot (if you are on a court, use each side of the key) and have your friend pass you the ball again. This will give you practise from different spots around the basket as well as keeping your heart rate up from moving around and increase the effectiveness of your muscles.


Plus 1, Minus 2
-To Improve your basketball shooting accuracy.
-4 players are need for this drill and 2 Basketball hoops.

-2 Player will be shooters and 2 returners. The players will shoot the ball and move to the other side of the key or between two designated points set beforehand. Each shot that goes in will give you 1 point and each that misses, you will lose 2 points. The first person to reach 10 is the winner and if you hit -10 you are out and the other person wins. This will not only increase basketball shooting accuracy but also the pace of your shooting process.


Shot in, step back
-To improve your basketball shooting distance:
-This involves the player taking their shot and if they get it in, they take one step back and if they miss they take one step forwards to take the shot again. Play until you cant get the ball in any more or use just as a warm up.

Need somewhere to practise your basketball Shooting? Click here to find your local court!